== Change Log == = 7.2 = * Fixed issue with the login image = 7.1.5 = * Admin menu editor and text improvements = 7.1.4 = * Fixed compatibility issue with WP Forms = 7.1.3 = * Fixed compatibility issue with WP Forms = 7.1.2 = * Compatibility with WordPress 6.1.1 * Fixed input field sanitization issues = 7.1.1 = * Compatibility with WordPress 6.1 = 7.1 = * WordPress 6.0 compatibility * Fixed issue with New menu item in admin bar * Fixed issues with dependable fields = 7.0.2 = * Fixed compatibility issues with page builders * Fixed warnings for AGCA script inclusion = 7.0.1 = * Tested up to PHP 8.1 * Fixed HTML escaping issue for site title in admin bar * Fixed issue of not displaying admin bar customizations on front-end * Added compatibility support for Ninja Tables plugin = 7.0 = * Improved security * Code cleanup * Removed farbtastic scripts * Properly using enqueue for scripts and dependencies * Small changes on General fields, better naming AGCA administrators > AGCA safe users = 6.9.5 = * Improved security = 6.9.4 = * Fixed: "Cannot hide Woocommerce Analytics button in the admin menu" issue * Small text improvements * Fixed an issue with Cusmin compatibility = 6.9.3 = * Fixed blank login page, when jQuery is not defined = 6.9.2 = * Fixed HTML escaping on multiple fields in AGCA, added non-admin restrictions instead = 6.9.1 = * Minor updates in text, links and Readme = 6.9 = * Important security updates = 6.8.1 = * WordPress 5.8 ready * Fixing responsive issues * Fixed low security issue reported = 6.8 = * Removed AGCA styling on the plugins page * Added option to use the default WP styles on AGCA settings page * Code cleanup = 6.7.3 = * Fixed issue with Meow gallery plugin menu item showing in AGCA menu editor * Using clean menu names in AGCA menu editor for plugin authors who use custom admin menu styles = 6.7.2 = * Fixed AGCA styling on plugins page = 6.7.1 = * Removed support for AGCA themes * Added option to remove **Site Health** dashboard widget * Fixed issue not excluding AGCA admin when hiding admin bar on site pages * Styled AGCA on plugins page = 6.7 = * WP 5.7 compatibility * New AGCA brand * Improved admin UX = 6.6.3 = * WP 5.6.1 compatibility * Round options improvements * Added option to skip rounding of the login page logo image = 6.6.2 = * WP 5.5.1 compatibility = 6.6.1 = * Updating text labels = 6.6 = * Fix for the loopback check by Site Health = 6.5.5 = * Improved security * Small updates * Updated dynamic.php script = 6.5.4 = * Compatibility w/ 5.3.2 = 6.5.3 = * Compatibility w/ 5.2.3 = 6.5.2 = * Compatibility w/ 5.1.1 = 6.5.1 = * Compatibility w/ 5.1 = 6.5 = * French translation = 6.4.1 = * Fixed fatal error = 6.4 = * Fixed custom Howdy issue = 6.3 = * Fixed custom Howdy for Netherland's WP = 6.2 = * Fixed 500 error in Multisite = 6.1 = * Fixed Log Out button issue = 6.0.1 = * Bug fixes. = 6.0 = * AGCA Re-branding * Added support for shortcodes in custom dashboard content = 5.7.4 = * Updated plugin links to secure links = 5.7.3 = * Fix for ABSPATH value * Added option to hide profile color scheme = 5.7.1 = * Added General Options tests = 5.7 = * Added Save button on top * Resolved blank page issue on first time install * Few other small improvements * Ready for WP 4.7 * Resolved issue: QuotaExceededError due to LocalStorage when Private Browsing in Safari * Added acceptance test suite = 5.6.5 = * Resolved Colorizer background color issue in WP 4.6 * Removed AGCA script from admin bar front end when user is not logged in * Removed WP version from AGCA front end script * Login page compatibility with WP Cerber plugin = 5.6.4 = * Added option to remove Customize button from admin bar on front end * Re-organized admin hooks * Changed icons for removing Profile and Customize buttons from "plus" to "eye" icon = 5.6.3 = * Compatibility with WordPress 4.6 * Resolved styling issue for AGCA admin menu button, when default menu is hidden * Improved styling of admin bar logo * A couple of visual improvements on input fields and text * Removed dashboard empty box placeholders = 5.6.2 = * Updated readme.txt = 5.6.1 = * Added branding images for AGCA * Protocol agnostic jQuery script url on login page * Updated upgrade options = 5.6 = * Internationalization, ready for translation * Added option for removing Profile menu item from user's menu * Added patch for network admin dashboard notices * Code refactoring * Resolved save issues in multi-site environment (POST validation failing) * Added patch for WPS Hide Login compatibility in multi-site environment * Added max width for custom admin header image * Removed "sub-menu" text from sub menu items in admin menu editor = 5.5 = * Resolved JavaScript error on AGCA page in WP 4.5 version * Added compatibility support with Cusmin plugin * Added compatibility support with WPS Hide Login plugin * Changed plugin versioning = = * Patched security issues. = = * Fixed new post blank page issue = 1.5.4 = * Patched security issues * Added support for custom CSS on public pages * Fixed appearance issus for custom admin bar icon and log out button on mobile devices and smaller screens * Fixed missing link issue with Back to blog link when custom name is used * Added AGCA social buttons * Fixed broken links in admin bar and plugins page on multisite network site * Removed php short tags that are not supported in older PHP versions * Updated license to GPLv3 = 1.5.2 = * Small UX improvements on options = 1.5.1 = * Added support for older PHP versions, starting from 5.2 = 1.5 = * Improved UX with new icons and styles * Fixed admin menu issues when menu is updated outside of AGCA * Code reorganizing * Using dashboard icons instead of images * Updated option names = 1.4.9 = * Issues fixed = = * Added check for non existing 'pagenow' GLOBAL variable * Using default WordPress theme when AGCA theme is activated * Fixed unknown font theme issue * Option to remove AGCA themes from admin bar = = * Small bug fix = 1.4.8 = * Style improvements * Tab navigation remembers previously used tab = 1.4.7 = * Removed AG Custom Admin menu top item * Better error handling = 1.4.6 = * Removed obsolete Colorizer's border options * Removed obsolete code * Changed some options labels/descriptions * Handling user's errors caused by mistake in Custom JS * Removed first and second menu item separator options, replaced with remove all separators option = 1.4.5 = * Fixed issues = 1.4.4 = * Admin themes, caching support = 1.4.3 = * Fixes admin bar compatibility issue with BuddyPress on public pages * Dashboard -> Updates submenu item can be hidden now * Added address bar option for debugging = 1.4.2 = * Internal links changes, support for the new support site domain = 1.4.1 = * Support up to WordPress 4.1 * Improved branding * Better error handling = 1.4 = * Fixed issue with Colorizer. Updated plugin colors. = 1.3.9 = * Fixed issue on Dashboard widgets page: Disabled third-party widget cannot be re-enabled = 1.3.8 = * Central alignment for smaller login images, and for different form widths * Option to remove "WordPress News" dashboard widget * Better "Error Caught" message with more useful information = 1.3.7 = * Fixed issues with custom dashboard content = 1.3.6 = * Fixed issues with special characters in admin menu editor = 1.3.5 = * Prepared for WordPress 3.9 * Fixed style for custom Howdy name = 1.3.4 = * Fixed add_filter undefined function error * Better exception handling = 1.3.3 = * Fixed compatibility issues with MailPoet plugin = 1.3.2 = * Bug fixes = 1.3.1 = * First production version with AGCA Themes = 1.3 = * Introducing AG Custom Admin Themes = 1.2.8 = * Fixed PHP errors in DEBUG mode = = * Fixed remove admin submenu arrow option in WordPress 3.8 = = * Fixed admin menu bug = = * Updated options labels * Better checkbox and radio box styles * Some additional style improvements * Updated option for auto folding admin menu on mobile devices * Fixed AGCA error popup on reset password page = = * Better style for close button * Fixed bugs when adding new admin menu buttons = = * Better style for close button * Removed deprecated jQuery live function * Including jQuery migrate plugin on Advanced tab = = * Removing submenu box on mouseover, if all submenu items are hidden (Fixed empty box issue) * Added WYSIWYG editor for Dashboard page = = * Fixed single quote character escaping on several settings * Added option for removing AGCA JS warning message * Fixed "Illegal string offset" server error = = * Escaping characters (like single quote) in footer text * Fixed AGCA alert message issue * Prepared for 3.6. WordPress release * Other bug fixes. = = * Removed AGCA script on site pages automatically, if user is not logged in * Custom WordPress admin title. Using custom title templates * Added option for removing blog title from top bar * Fixed misaligned menu when using custom content types plugins * Fixed bug "Save button does not work" caused by unescaped characters in footer text and custom button names * Updated AGCA buttons styles = 1.2.7 = * WordPress 3.5 compatible * Added login page background color * Resolving jQuery script * Added feedback buttons (positive/negative) * Better user's experience (updated form buttons and textbooks) * Fixed problem with Howdy renaming = = * using capabilities instead of user levels * define who is admin with choosing capability (Advanced tab) * added option to hide admin bar on front end only * added option to remove all AGCA customizations on front end * added option to remove register button on login page * added option to change hyperlink on register button on login page * added option to remove "Lost Password" link on login page * added support for collapse button on customized admin menu * option to show/hide collapse button on admin menu * added styles for collapsed menu * added WP filter to remove admin bar on front page * applying admin bar colors on front page * fixed blank space in admin panel when admin bar is removed * fixed some bugs in Colorizer, better updating of input box colors, triggering colors on input box change, improved realtime color updating * adding jQuery script on login page only if it is not already loaded * fixed background-size issue on login page image in chrome and some other browsers * updated important message on admin menu tab = = * Removing plugin options on plugin uninstall instead of on plugin deactivation * Refreshed some button styles * "But show logout button" option auto-hiding * Fixed repeat login image bug * Fixed bug on loading news = = * Included Colorizer ON/OFF option to exported settings * Automatically saving settings after importing * Fixed issue with admin bar on site pages * Added option for switching between admin and site pages(on WP logo, top left corner on admin bar) * Fixed custom Howdy text for other languages than English. = = * Added custom brand logo url * Added %BLOG% variables for custom urls * Option for removing custom admin menu settings in export = = * Bug fixes * Added +/- indicators to admin menu editor * Custom top bar logo can be of any width. Height is expanded to 28px * Saving custom scripts to database instead of saving to files * Fixed error message on WordPress thick-box window * Removed About WordPress message on top bar logo(on mouseover) * Using %BLOG% variable as hyperlink on login page image * Few other fixes on WordPress top bar * Fixed color bug on admin menu hover() = 1.2.6 = * Fixed hiding top bar issue for site pages * Fixed issues with custom content on Dashboard page. Any custom HTML can be used now. * Custom CSS script support * Custom JAvaScript support * Exporting / importing AG Custom Admin customizations * Added custom branding field above the admin menu for adding custom brand images * Rounding admin menu popups and login page * Option for removing Welcome dashboard widget * New Colorizer options for admin menu, top bar * New AGCA info area * Fixed caching issues on updates = = * Fixed fatal error from version = = * Fixed issues related to WP 3.3.1 version * Fixed bug: Hiding/changing top admin bar WP icon * Advanced customization of admin top bar * Added options for hiding admin top bar elements * Login page background same as admin background * Added target options for custom admin buttons = = * Fixed several issues with WP 3.3 * Added options for hiding "comments" and "new" from admin bar * Support for custom admin bar images * Support for custom Log Out text * Hide everything except Log Out button works now * Removed few obsolete options * Removing "Edit My Profile" * Fixed bug when trying to edit custom buttons in admin menu = = * Plugin tested up to 3.3 * Fixed major issues with WP 3.3. version * Fixed bug when trying to edit custom buttons in admin menu = 1.2.5 = * Plugin tested up to 3.2.1 * Fixed some compatibility issues with other plugins * Tested compatibility with Ozh' Admin Drop Down Menu v3.6.1 * Tested compatibility with SexyBookmarks (by Shareaholic) v4.0.5.6 * Fixed blank screen of death if an error from outside of plugin is thrown * Improved error handling and showing * Improved versioning = 1.2.4 = * Plugin is now fully compatible with WordPress version 3.2 * Fixed update notification bar for lower WP versions * Login image can be now of any size. * Improved error management * Added options in 3.2 for changing background behind admin menu * Added option in 3.2 for removing "Your profile" from admin bar * Added invalid characters escaping when adding new custom buttons * Fixed few minor issues = 1.2.3 = * Added Colorizer options for changing widgets colors. * Added option for changing logo image in admin bar with custom image. * Fixed bug on add new post page: After clicking on buttons Add new image, Add new media pop-up window is blank. * Added info bar for displaying news and information about plugin. * Fixed few issues. = 1.2.2 = * Added Colorizer for changing colors in admin and login panel * Added option for excluding admin from settings. * Fixed bug for slow computers: Default settings are visible few moments before applying custom settings. * Added option for removing icons from admin menu buttons = 1.2.1 = * Improved accessibility * Optimization for screen readers * Added sub-page titles * Updated styles in edit admin menu table = 1.2 = * All elements are grouped into small pages for better navigation. * Added color styles and improved user experience. * Added settings page for fully control of main admin menu. * Added support for hiding items from admin menu. * Added support for changing items in admin menu. * Added support for adding new custom items in admin menu. * Added tool tips on option labels for better explanation of option. * Deprecated 'Hide Dashboard button from main menu' in 'Dashboard settings'. This option can be used now in 'Admin menu settings'. * Added settings for hiding/showing Dashboard widgets:"Recent Comments", "Incoming Links", "Plugins", "Quick Press", "Right Now", "Recent Drafts", primary widget area, secondary widget area. * Added option "(but show 'Log Out' button)" for displaying 'Log Out' button if admin top bar is completely removed. * Added option "Hide footer text". * Added support for hiding new WordPress release notification. = 1.0.1 = * Changed text in Settings page to be more clearer. * Updated list of options on plugin page * Removed blank characters in text areas = 1.0 = * Initial version